COVID Welfare Mother?
I logged onto my social media platform on March 22nd, expecting the typical memes and sobering information about the pandemic COVID-19 on...

TCG National Conference - Theatre Nation
This conference was a whirlwind, to say the least. I cannot tell you how valuable it is to connect every year with people in the theatre...

It was not my first time on the Hill. Truth be told, my first came in the late nineties when my then boyfriend and I traipsed the...

The First Meeting and Gala
So I had my first fall meeting on the Board of TCG... and it was really interesting. It's not every day I get to hear some of the...
The Balkanization of America...& the Theatre
I surf Huffington Post more often than I'd like to admit - it's the way I procrastinate under the guise of making myself an informed...

So, I've Been Elected
Theatre Communications Group (TCG), is the national organization, founded in 1961, whose mission is to strengthen, nurture and promote...